Sunday 4 December 2011

Using a projector

On Friday, Alice, Sara and I went to the Photography Studio, mainly just to confirm that we knew where we were going on Monday, but while we were there, one of the photography lecturers chatted to us about different ideas we could try throughout the shoot. He also explained the different backdrops available to us (white, black and grey) and how lighting can be used to manipulate the image.

One of the ideas he mentioned to us, which we really liked, was to position the projector to the side of the model so that it hit the model but missed the background, so in fact we were projecting our image over the model's body. We could project graffitti or brickwork or something over our model to enhance the edgy/punky look that we're going for.

I think this would make our images unique and put a twist on the normal idea of just using projections as a background. Something to cosider anyway.

Francesca Lascelles.

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